What’s it like living with mental illness? Ask Wil Wheaton.

05 Aug

What’s it like living with mental illness? Ask Wil Wheaton..


I will ALWAYS be an advocate for my mental illness and how it affects my life day to day and how i struggle with it. I will ALWAYS be there to talk about it…or help others understand, or help others understand THEIR mental illness whether they know they have it it or not

I find it inspiring and really courageous for these celebrities to come forward in a world where there is such a large stigma toward being mentally ill. Often times, our little voices don’t have a much impact in helping someone come to terms…as say, a bigger voice from a celebrity. I am thankful when they open up because they are a voice that will most likely be heard…with the thousands of followers they have on various social media….

thus, information about mental illness reaches a wider audience than say, my little blog. People may feel some sort of peace…knowing that it’s not just them…that even a big name person can deal with mental illness just like them and in a sense: they are people just like us.

Lets start treating mental illness as a REAL and treatable thing like any other illness. You catch the flu? You’d take medication. You get a pounding headache, you’ll take some asprin. Or, you suck it up and deal with it like some may be inclined to do because they don’t like medication. It’s the same thing if you have an anxiety attack, or going through a manic state of your bi-polar…

For some people, they need to be medicated *raises hand proudly* and for others…they learn ways to “suck it up and deal with it” but what it comes down to: finding a way to treat your illness in a way that works best for you!

Just know, that no matter what you are going through…like Wil Wheaton says “It’s ok. You are not alone”


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